Success Stories

“I highly recommend Anna and her services. My dad died with a complicated estate plan, and many beneficiaries who were unfamiliar to me. Anna helped me understand his will and the conflicting wishes with grace. She demonstrated understanding, compassion, and kept me grounded when I was blinded by grief. Her legal expertise was also incredibly helpful when dealing with the fallout of my dad’s death, so much paperwork and so many people involved. I cannot thank her enough.”

— Anonymous

“I work as a home health aid, and I moved in with a family when their mom went into hospice. Two of the siblings didn’t get along at all. One was an addict, and so there was lots of mistrust and accusations of stealing meds, and their fights made for a really tense household. I found Compassionate Conflicts through the hospice service, and after one session the mood in the house changed dramatically. The fights stopped and the siblings were actually civil to one another. I’m not sure how they’re doing now, but I’m so glad they were able to put their own issues aside in their mother’s last days and grieve together as a family.”

— Anonymous