Disagreement is nothing to fear.

We transform conflict into opportunity.


Compassionate Conflicts aims to help communities, large and small, navigate conflict and reach creative solutions designed to honor the concerns, contexts, and truths of all participants; this is accomplished through constructive dialogue techniques, curated experiences, and conversations facilitated with care, compassion, and a wealth of expertise.


Conflict Redefined

Conflict, stress, or tension may be inevitable aspects of relationships, teams, or communities, but they need not be negative. To CC, conflict is evidence of shared passion: when people disagree so strongly as to reach arguments, inflamed feelings, or even impasse, there is an underlying truth that they fight because they care.

This is a profound starting point.


Interest-Driven Process

The CC experience is a facilitated dialogue session designed to foster connection and understanding between participants, and customized to your particular experience, conflict(s), and goal(s). All virtual meetings are structured around traditional mediation and facilitation practices, but rather than using a one-size-fits-all approach, we draw from multiple strategies and methodologies.

Appropriately, our toolbox is rich and diverse.


Facilitator and Forum

The facilitator’s role is to guide discussion, moderate, keep order, and evoke depth. Unlike traditional forums of conflict resolution, which tout neutrality, a facilitator is an engaged participant and must be aware of her own inherent biases or personal history.

As such, she is not neutral, but rather “omnipartial” - partial to all, yet mindful of various value systems at work.


Organic Solutions

We cannot know, and in fact, we must not know, how a conflict should be resolved upfront. A well-facilitated dialogue naturally de-escalates emotion, opens communication, encourages collaboration, unpacks conflict, reveals its components from multiple angles, tosses out the nonsense, resolves the wins, and rearranges what’s left in a way that best suits everyone involved. 

The process works because it guides participants to craft their own outcomes in ways that best fit their evolving future.


Who We Serve


Single-session or Multi-session meetings surrounding discrete decisions or disagreements aimed to air all interests and reach a communal resolution

Medical and Palliative Care Professionals

Consults, education, and access to independent conflict-resolution services to ease family-based decision-making, and alleviate burdens that cloud good care

Fiduciaries & Lawyers

Alternative dispute resolution outlets for issues that may be mediated as opposed to litigated, thereby easing the setbacks created by complex family dynamics